New Wildlife Ponds

On a chilly January morning, an intrepid team of aquatic pioneers executed the first stage of a cunning plan to convert an old sand pit (dating from the childrens’ day nursery that once occupied the site) into a wildlife pond teaming with life. Robin Hood Garden is creating two new wildlife ponds to increase biodiversity … Read more

How many trees have you planted in your lifetime?

The answer will be different for all of us, but if you’ve never planted a tree this is your big chance! We have one hundred trees to go in, which will help create a shelter, habitat and movement corridor for wildlife of many kinds, clean the air and even make it more fragrant. It will … Read more

Planting for butterflies and moths

Butterflies are a beautiful and important part of the UK’s wildlife.They are highly sensitive indicators of the health of the environment and play crucial roles in the food chain as well as being pollinators of plants. Areas rich in butterflies and moths are rich in other invertebrates. These collectively provide a wide range of environmental … Read more

Modular River Survey Training

As Part of London Rivers Week 2023 Robin Hood volunteers attended training session to learn how to gather and contribute data to the national Modular Rivers Survey. Training took place on the River Roding, hosted by the River Roding Trust. The volunteers recorded physical habitat data using the MoRPh Rivers field survey method for Citizen … Read more

River bank cleanup

Regular work continues to remove litter from the riverbank. Rubbish that has been dumped or washed in by the river can pose a threat to wildlife and pollute the environment as it breaks up, or be washed further down river and into the sea The rubbish comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes, from … Read more

Hedge Laying 2023

Midwinter hedge laying sessions. Hedges need to be layed periodically to maintain their structure, biodiversity and habitat. We were fortunate to work with EcoActive and the South of England Hedge Laying Society to lay the garden’s 50 metres of mixed native hedgerow, originally planted in 2013. A team of our volunteers braved the frosty conditions … Read more